جميع التقارير
تقارير flamingpyramids_displayed
#104328: "Available spots to play are very difficult to see -- border is too thin"
implemented: تم تنفيذ هذا الاقتراح
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اقتراح: في رأيي، سيؤدي ما يلي إلى تحسين تنفيذ اللعبة بشكل كبير
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For younger players (or those who still have young eyes), the borders around newly playable squares are very thin, and very difficult to see. I have been teaching some BGA games to family in their 80s. They like the game, but really can't see these borders, so I'm always having to advise them on where to play.
Would it be possible to make the playable squares more visible, by either:
* Using thicker borders, or
* Highlighting the square in some other way, such as to tint it white or red to make it clearly visible?
Thanks!• ما هو متصفحك؟
Google Chrome v119
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- تعريف طاولة/تعريف حركة
- هل حلَت F5 المشكلة؟
- هل ظهرت المشكلة عدة مرات؟ كل مرة؟ بطريقة عشوائية؟
- إذا كان لديك لقطة شاشة لهذا الخطأ (ممارسة جيدة) ، يمكنك استخدام Imgur.com لتحميله ونسخ / لصق الرابط هنا.