جميع التقارير
تقارير jumpdrive_displayed
#106210: "Starting world effects are displayed on initial 7 card selection "
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Google Chrome v119
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ديس 5 th 2023 1:56 •
ديس 5 th 2023 2:10 •
TheLordHighBobobob • هذا ليس خطأ:
ديس 5 th 2023 2:59 • Sorry for the bad bug report, not sure what I was paying attention to when I wrote this up. If you look at the screenshot attached, the reptile uplift world shows a +1 military bonus which would be from the uplift council starting world. Since I am still in the first selection phase to discard down from the initial 7 cards to 5, I have not yet selected one of the starting worlds. I don't think their affects should be applying yet.
Kayvon • لم يتم اعادة انتاج الأخطاء من قبل المطورين حتى الآن:
ديس 5 th 2023 3:02 • Ah! Yeah, I'm following now. You haven't chosen starting worlds, but the UI displays the discounts of both worlds on your starting hand.
Thanks for following up. Much clearer now.
Opening for votes.
Thanks for following up. Much clearer now.
Opening for votes.
greenjacket124 • لم يتم اعادة انتاج الأخطاء من قبل المطورين حتى الآن:
ينا 8 th 2024 19:12 • I'm applying a vote for this bug report, but I honestly don't think that it needs to change. Yes, the initial selection for discard does show the effect of both starting world options before selection, but it doesn't affect anything during selection. I do understand, though, that this could be confusing to some people.
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- تعريف طاولة/تعريف حركة
- هل حلَت F5 المشكلة؟
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- إذا كان لديك لقطة شاشة لهذا الخطأ (ممارسة جيدة) ، يمكنك استخدام Imgur.com لتحميله ونسخ / لصق الرابط هنا.