في Word Traveler، ستقوم أنت وأصدقاؤك برحلة لمدة يومين إلى مدينة جديدة ومثيرة! كل لاعب لديه خريطة سرية خاصة به للمواقع التي يريد زيارتها، وسيحتاج إلى مساعدة من اللاعبين الآخرين للوصول إليها.
بالتناوب في لعب دور المسافر والسكان المحليين، ستعملون جميعًا معًا لزيارة أكبر عدد ممكن من تلك المواقع. وعلى طول الطريق، ستقوم أيضًا بجمع كل الهدايا التذكارية الذهبية التي يمكنك العثور عليها.
ولكن هنا تكمن المشكلة: تمامًا مثل السؤال عن الاتجاهات بلغة أجنبية، ليس لديك سوى بضع كلمات لتوصيل المكان الذي تريد الذهاب إليه. رحلة سعيدة!
عدد اللاعبين: 2 - 5
مدة اللعبة: 24 mn
تعقيد: 2 / 5
العب wordtraveler و 1002 ألعاب أخرى online.
لا يلزم التنزيل - العب مباشرة من متصفح الويب الخاص بك.
مع أصدقائك وآلاف اللاعبين من أنحاء العالم.
العب wordtraveler و 1002 ألعاب أخرى online.
لا يلزم التنزيل - العب مباشرة من متصفح الويب الخاص بك.
مع أصدقائك وآلاف اللاعبين من أنحاء العالم.
ملخص القواعد
This is a co-operative game which lasts 2 rounds
Plan Stage
The first part of each day (round) commences with a planning phase
In this phase you have a bank of words along with arrows (3 on day 1, 5 on day 2)
You also have a map of sites you'd like to visit, blue circles giving 1 point and green stars giving 2 points
Your aim during the planning stage is to clue the other players into certain sites you want to visit in that order
You start the day on the central space of the main map
Your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd arrows give the order of the sites to visit
The arrow is the direction, and the words form clues to the location
You can use as many or as few words as you wish for each location, and each card has a front and back for positive descriptors and negative descriptors (e.g. comfortable vs Not comfortable)
Each location follows on from the last, and NOT from the central square, you have moved on your journey since then
Travel Stage
One at a time, each player is out of the game whilst the remaining players try to figure out the locations the clues are suggesting
This is done by placing numbered footprints, in the assumed order, across the map then voting for whether all the team agrees
Once the active team members collectively agree on where the footprints should go, the locations are scored
It does not matter if the areas are where the main player intended, just as long as the footprints are on blue circles or green stars for them, then the team will score points accordingly
Repeat this until every player's clues have been guessed and scored
Day 2
Day 2 functions more or less the same as day 1, with a Plan Stage then a Travel stage, with a few adjustments
Firstly, the start place is now day 1's end space for that player
Secondly, each player is clueing for 5 locations instead of 3
Thirdly, a new map and new words will be provided for each player (so you can't really plan day 2 during day 1)
Game End
The game ends at the end of the second day, count up the collective points over both days and see how well you score!