Robots Ate Our Pizza هي لعبة انتقاء وتمرير تعاونية سريعة (صياغة بطاقة).
لقد حطمت الروبوتات حفلة البيتزا الخاصة بك وتحدتك في مسابقة! يحصل الفائزون على البيتزا الخاصة بك! يجب أن تعمل أنت وأصدقاؤك معًا لحل أربع مهام. بعد كل مهمة ، قد تأكل الروبوتات بعض البيتزا اعتمادًا على مدى جودة أدائك. كم ستبقى بيتزا في النهاية؟
عدد اللاعبين: 2 - 6
مدة اللعبة: 12 mn
تعقيد: 2 / 5
العب robotsateourpizza و 963 ألعاب أخرى online.
لا يلزم التنزيل - العب مباشرة من متصفح الويب الخاص بك.
مع أصدقائك وآلاف اللاعبين من أنحاء العالم.
العب robotsateourpizza و 963 ألعاب أخرى online.
لا يلزم التنزيل - العب مباشرة من متصفح الويب الخاص بك.
مع أصدقائك وآلاف اللاعبين من أنحاء العالم.
ملخص القواعد
Robots Ate Our Pizza is a cooperative pick-and-pass (card drafting) game. In order to succeed, players must work together without communicating plans. Players pick a card from their hand to keep, pass the rest of their hand left, & repeat until each player has selected four cards. Players get points for collecting sets (same color or same number) and runs (can be a mixture of colors).
A game consists of four rounds with different goals:
- Round 1: The players goal is to get the highest total score (sum of individual scores).
- Round 2: The players goal is to get the lowest total score.
- Round 3: The players try to get the highest difference between highest player's score and lowest player's score. For example, if highest player has 11 points and lowest has 2 points, then team's score is 9.
- Round 4: The players try to get the lowest difference between highest player's score and lowest player's score. You want your scores to be as similar to each other as possible.
After each task the robots will eat some slices of pizza. The number of slices eaten depends on your group's performance on the task.
- After you've mastered the Base Game, try these variants:
- Extra Cheese: Pairs, triples, & quadruples of the same color are negative points.
- Extra Pepperoni: Runs are negative points.
- Extra Veggies: Pairs are negative points (but triples and quadruples are positive points).
Player Count:
In all player counts, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Purple are used
In 2 players, the values go up to 4
In 3-4 players, the values go up to 5
In 5 players, the values go up to 7
In 6 players, the values go up to 8