parlotta takes 2 from the bank
parlotta plays MNO-XL Super Magnet at Art Gallery
3/17/2025 06:34 AM
The caper at Art Gallery moves 1 towards pedrored2021 due to JPE-10 Simple Disguise
pedrored2021 plays JPE-10 Simple Disguise at Art Gallery
11:19 PM
parlotta places 2 in the bank
parlotta plays Un-Lock Skeleton Key at The Museum
parlotta discards The Auctioneer
pedrored2021 discards The Saint
The caper at The Museum moves 1 towards parlotta due to The Mime
parlotta takes 1 from the bank
parlotta plays The Mime at The Museum
10:00 PM
pedrored2021 takes 1 from the bank
pedrored2021 plays The Dame at Art Gallery
05:22 PM
The caper at The Museum moves 1 towards parlotta due to The Illusionist
parlotta takes 1 from the bank
parlotta plays The Illusionist at The Museum
05:06 PM
The caper at The Casino moves 1 towards pedrored2021 due to The Smuggler
pedrored2021 plays The Smuggler at The Casino
03:32 PM
The caper at Art Gallery moves 3 towards parlotta due to The Tourist
parlotta plays The Tourist at Art Gallery
03:31 PM
pedrored2021 takes 1 from the bank
pedrored2021 plays The Banker at The Museum
03:05 PM
Beginning round 1: Thieves
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الإهانات والسلوك العدواني ممنوع منعا باتا على BGA. يرجى إبلاغنا بأي حوادث: سنتخذ إجراءات اللازمة ضد أي لاعبين مثيرين للمشاكل.